Wednesday, February 4, 2009

oh, change.

change is very interesting. i always try to think of it as a good thing. a new chance to start on a great, new adventure. right now, though. i'm not really sure of what that new adventure is for me. i've got a lot of things to think about and consider, but not a lot of time.

up until now, i realize that this blog post has been confusing, so i'll try to clarify. i will no longer be a full-time employee of premier firewood. it was a completely mutual thing based on a lot of other factors. i'll still be doing some things for them here and there, but that's it. that's why this new "beginning" has so many options.

should i go looking for another full-time job? i did that all summer, and to be honest, that was not exactly a high point in my life. i refuse to spend all day looking for jobs on the internet, so i guess i could just go out and look around...?

should i look at this as a "sign" that maybe i should go back to school? there is nothing holding me back other than the fact that i need some income.

i guess i'm just trying to figure everything out in one day, which isn't very helpful, but i do need to decide soon, unfortunately. any suggestions?

currently listening to: a fine frenzy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love you.