Friday, June 27, 2008


i love storms :) i used to really hate go and sleep with my parents because i'm pretty afraid of tornadoes, and to me, tornadoes came when it stormed...anyway, i love them least when it's still daylight :) otherwise, i at least like to check the weather. it's finally storming here, and i've been expecting it for the last few days.

i can't wait for tomorrow! not only am i going to be hanging out with some pretty cool people, but i am beyond excited to see two of my friends (caitlin and jer) get married :) :) :) i really can't wait. as brian said to me earlier this week, i'm also looking forward to some more kenny g. and chill time with two of my best friends :) i really do love those kases :)

so, after church on sunday, i'll leave to go to blue ridge for the week. we don't have internet there, which is probably going to drive me a little crazy, but i think i'll just take my computer and try and find somewhere with wifi. i just need to check my email. it's a pretty bad addiction, but like i say about my caffeine addiction, it could be worse. it could be crack.

anyway, i can't wait to wear some pretty awesome shoes tomorrow that trace bought me at target...she bought herself the same ones :) we have a lot of the same shoes, which makes for some pretty fun times, if you ask me :)

currently listening to: 97.1 the river. i love this radio station.

Monday, June 23, 2008

chocolate milk.

i love chocolate milk. seriously. sometimes i crave right now. i'll probably get some in a minute :)

ben and lindsay carter got married on saturday, and it was wonderful! the wedding was great, and lindsay looked absolutely beautiful :) it was also fun to see everyone and just have fun...i can't wait until jer and caitlin get married this weekend!! i am so excited :) :) :)

i spent the night at brian and tracy's on saturday night, and i was just reminded of how much i truly love those two. after the wedding, we just sat around in the living room for like 2 or 3 hours and listened to kenny g. and just talked and enjoyed each other's company. i just love being around them. they are true examples of love and selflessness, and i'm not sure what i would do without them.

i've been missing bekah a lot lately, but i'm so excited for everything that is going on in romania :) today i bought some shoes at target that i'm pretty sure i've made her look at about fifty times...i've been waiting for them to go on sale, and they finally were today!! it was just weird that she wasn't there...we went to target a lot before she left...i mean, i still go a lot, but still :)

i can't wait to see nicole on wednesday! we are meeting at panera, and let me just say that panera has the BEST salads. i'm obsessed with the strawberry poppyseed (i think it's got a really long name that i can't remember) salad...and they have this one that has apples in it that is SO good. i just can't wait. this is going to be a good week :)

currently watching: the news...while my mom sleeps on the couch :) she is so cute.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

still searching.

i just want to say that i have not found the job search very easy or very fun. i'm still not that worried about it, though :) the only thing that i really need (other than income) is to have insurance, so that's why i still look everyday to see if i can find something.

our internet is out right now. i find that extremely annoying. it's not like spring break when not having the internet was kind of liberating, it's just like, "well. now i can't even pretend to be productive while watching tv, because i can't even search for jobs. i can do nothing." that being said, my brother is taking care of his best friend's dogs while he's on vacation, so i've been going over there with him to steal their wireless, and right now, i'm at the woodstock public library for the second time in two days using their wireless.

i laid out by the pool today, and i just want to say that i love summer. to read about my favorite summer, you should check out tracy's blog, because she did a perfect job of describing it :)

currently listening to: nothing. something's humming to my right. i can hear people turning pages. someone is trying to check out a book. one lady is talking really loudly on her the library. she obviously didn't learn about inside voices and how you are supposed to be quiet in the library.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

"it blew up."

i just want to say that i love tracy's sister lauren. seriously. she cracks me up, and she is so cute....well, in the last six months she's become more like gorgeous (she's grown up a lot). the point of all this is to tell you this story:

yesterday, lauren came to hang out with tracy and me, and after a while, she decided that she wanted a brownie. tracy and i were hanging out in the living room, and lauren went to get a brownie and heat it up in the microwave...after a bit, all we here from the kitchen is, " blew up." tracy and i were a little confused, but we jumped up to find the kitchen FULL of smoke and it was pouring into the dining room. i just want to say that lauren tried to microwave the brownie for a minute. 60 seconds. that's about six times as many seconds as needed to sufficiently do the job. we opened all the doors and windows to try and air it out, but unfortunately it still smells this morning. i think we're going to try and get some oust today.

currently listening to: jason mraz

Friday, June 13, 2008

i love the word "stoked." i'm bringing it back.

this week has been great, and i'm thinking the weekend is going to get even better :) other than the fact that bekah hasn't been here for me to drive around aimlessly and spend way too much money at target with, the week has been wonderful.

i'm so glad that bekah made it to romania and i can't wait to hear all about it!! i'm pretty sure she was traveling for a solid 24 hours. not exactly my idea of fun. i barely like traveling for six or seven hours...i can't imagine 24.

so, back to my week :) i really didn't do much. i laid out a couple of times with evan and shoulders got a little burnt, but it was totally worth it. i just relaxed, and on thursday, i went to barnes & noble, target, and the woodstock (now it's fillmore) coffeehouse. i love days to myself sometimes. they are refreshing :) last night, my parents and i ate at chick-fil-a and then looked at cars!!!! i need a new car. it's looking up for me in that i need a job :)

we are leaving soon to go down and visit my grandparents for father's day. i'm so excited. they live south of atlanta, so we don't get to see them as often as i'd like to. we won't be there for too long, but getting to see them will be great :) after i get back from that, i am driving to rome to hang out with trace all weekend, and i am pretty stoked about that :)

currently listening to: the whir of my fan...some birds chirping...and a little colbie to start the morning :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


this is the part of summer that i love: doing nothing by the pool :) the weather today is awesome...not too hot, but just warm enough that the pool water felt great. i am looking forward to more days like this one, but also hoping that there aren't many more due to the fact that i am employed :) the job hunt continues.

currently watching: days of our lives. don't laugh.

Monday, June 9, 2008

my weekend.

this weekend was great :) on friday, i got to hang out with bekah, trace and leanna. we all just kind of hung around and helped bekah pack for romania, so it was nice.

saturday morning, there was a leadership summit for oak leaf, where michael told all the volunteers that he is hoping to buy a building for oak leaf. that is so exciting, because we wouldn't be losing the feel of the movie theater in this new building :) i love oak leaf. after the leadership summit, brian, tracy and i went to jittery joe's to hang out before the georgia barbeque classic. although it was SO HOT, i really enjoyed the bbq classic. we just gave people free bottles of water and balloons and invited them to oak leaf. giving away water was such a great idea because it was ridiculously hot and i know people needed some h2o.

sunday, michael started the joshua series - "crossing over." it was great. i mean it. i'll probably get the podcast and listen to it again. makaila, tracy and i went to mcdonald's afterward (nutritious, i know), and let me just say that double cheeseburgers are amazing. we saw nathan, hannah and jake and mcdonald's too, so that was fun :) nathan has the coolest sunglasses.

sunday night was totally bittersweet. i ate dinner with the britts + matt, which was really fun :) we had some appetizers (which were so good) and then mr. britt grilled steaks. yum. the bitter part is that i had to tell bekah goodbye. even though i know it's just a "see you later," because she'll be back in 10 weeks, i was not as strong as trace. i lost it. i mean i was sobbing. it was really bad, but i couldn't even help it. i am truly going to miss her, and i know that there will be a million times over the summer when someone says of thinks, "i wish bekah was here."

enough of that :) some insurance guy is coming to look at my car and my dad's truck because we got some hail damage, so unfortunately, i won't be laying out by the pool today, but i will be doing that at some point this week :)

this post has been long enough. if you read it all, you rock :)

currently watching: regis & kelly. i love this show.

Friday, June 6, 2008


i think it really hit me for the first time today that bekah is leaving soon. i've almost cried more times than i can count, and i know that i'll be seeing her again on sunday. saying goodbye then is something i'm dreading. i couldn't be more proud of bekah for being so brave. she truly has a heart for others and a passion for sharing God's love. she is someone that i look up to probably more than she knows. i can't wait to hear about romania and the children that will surely capture her heart, but for now, i'm going to be a little sad.

currently listening to: the beautiful music that is the pride & prejudice soundtrack...well, i'm watching it :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

facts of life.

i need a job. i want to work in cartersville because i want to be close to my church. i have a bachelor's degree in communication, and i would really like to do anything where i can use those skills, whether that's event planning and organization or graphic design work. why is it so hard to find a job? okay, back to the hunt.

Monday, June 2, 2008

this post seems very random to me.

this weekend was absolutely exhausting. starting thursday night and continuing until saturday night, our family was going crazy trying to everything for my brother's graduation. we were constantly moving and cleaning and cooking and a million other things. needless to say, by the time sunday morning rolled around, i was sleepy. if it wouldn't have been for oak leaf church, i probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed at fact, i'm pretty sure no one else in my family went anywhere.

i am convinced that i go to the best church ever. i'm not trying to brag or anything, but i honestly believe that God is doing AMAZING things through our church, and i can't wait to see them all happen :) it is so refreshing to be a part of a real church that wants to impact the surrounding community. i love it. i'm so glad that i am done with school and that i can become more involved in my church and in our community. i can't wait :)

so, sunday (after church), several of our friends got together, because we all wanted to be together and hang out as a group one more time before bekah leaves for romania. i can't believe that she'll be leaving in less than a week now for ten weeks. i'm not sure exactly how i will survive. seeing bekah get emotional last night was absolutely heartbreaking. tracy and i got emotional just seeing her cry. this is going to be hard, and i know that the end of this week is going to be an emotional one, but at least i have time to prepare for it. the truth is, i couldn't be more proud of my friend. she is one of the bravest people i know, and i know that she is going to make a huge impact in the lives of those children. i can't wait to see God work through her over there, but here, i will be missing her. missing her and praying for her and waiting to hear from her :) i have amazing friends with amazing hearts, and this is just one example.

i'm thinking that my dad was wanting to play cards tonight, so i'm going to go see if that's the case or if he's already asleep on the couch...which is also possible.

currently listening to: a colbie caillat song that i bought on iTunes - "dreams collide"...i love her voice.