Thursday, February 12, 2009

lost...not the show.

lately i've been feeling more lost than liberated. i don't know what to do right now, where to look, where to go or anything. i mean, i'm planning on starting at ksu in the summer, but that's not certain. i don't have a job lined up, and i need some income. i just don't even know. and i know that God knows, and that is comforting, but it's still hard for me to have so many uncertainties flying around and feeling sort of...i don't know...alone in this. i don't mean to be down, but i'm just uncertainty, i guess.

currently watching: friends.


Bekah said...

you're never alone, dear friend.

and i think that we need a girls night of singing....and the dancing that ensues along with the singing :-)

mucho love

Anonymous said...

ditto what bekah said. i love you so much. never forget that :)

lovey. amorey. ♥.

p.s. the word verification for this post is "deconk". really?

Anonymous said...

you're such a trooper for going back to school...i'm proud of you :] and i agree with the other pretty girls. you're not alone.

um, my word verification is uniffrat. right.

Leanna said...

obviously you're never alone because you have friends like bekah and tracy that remind you of that. :) (and me of course)

but, also know that you're not alone in feeling lost. i feel pretty much the same way (even though i have income)

i love you, dear friend. and i know that God is faithful to complete the good work that He has started in you. :)