Saturday, October 25, 2008

all by myself.

so last night, i spent the night at bekah's house after HSM3 with all the girls :) she had to open this morning at starbucks, so she left her house at about 5:45ish...i left at about 9:00ish, and spent the next two hours sitting on the couch in my living room. then, i took an hour-long bath, followed by a shower, because i wanted to wash my hair. since then, i've pretty much been in the same place on the couch...i finished a book, journaled and watched way too much television. also, i've probably spent more time on the internet in this one day than i have all week.

all that being said, i have truly loved this day. my parents are in blue ridge, so i've had the house to myself, which i have loved. as much as i love love love being around all the people that i love, i also really enjoy some quality time with myself every once and a while :) i'm going back over to bekah's later because i'm too chicken to stay here by myself...i just don't want to, but for now, i am loving sitting on my couch by myself doing whatever i want.

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