Tuesday, November 4, 2008


november 4th is here, and by tonight, we will know our country's choice for the next President of the United States. i hope this doesn't turn into something similar to the 2000 election. i never want to hear the phrase "to close to call" again. i also never want to see another political ad on television. in my opinion, those ads don't really sway intelligent or informed voters. that being said, there are a lot of ignorant voters out there, so i guess that's who they're really targeting anyway. there is some talk that neither saxby chambliss nor jim martin will get enough votes to win, and there will be a run off between them, which makes me want to cry. those are the commercials that i hate the most. i saw one yesterday for the first time that had saxby's mom on it, and oh my, they are from the sooooooooouuuuuuuuuth. that was my attempt to make south more than a one-syllable word. i'm just relieved that this presidential election is coming to an end.

currently listening to: the holiday soundtrack. it's so good.

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