Sunday, March 22, 2009

here's something to look at.

i like: Jesus. singing. Elvis. Regis and Kelly. my friends. my camera. taking pictures of my friends with my camera. Boy Meets World. New York. my brothers. sarcasm. shoes. accessories. sleeping. the smell of rain. the first time i feel fall in the air. mother's cookies. celebrity gossip (guilty pleasure). laughing so hard i cry. laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Broadway. Christmas music. rainbows. magazines (star, people, glamour, etc.). being spontaneous. making other people smile. crafting. writing. reading. movies. watching good movies with good friends. chinese food. old people :). pink. green. chocolate. cookies & cream milkshakes from chick-fil-a. (RED). things that are perforated. Charles Gibson. whistling. pandas. kroger. the beach. starbucks. Diane Sawyer. warm weather. macaroni & cheese. getting my nails done. chick-fil-a lemonade. Jergens original scent lotion. brown. the pearls my mom gave me. Cary Grant. making lists. playing my brother's drums. happy endings. making fish faces with my cousin.

i don't like: sticky residue. hair that isn't attached. the dark. feeling stupid. when the bottoms of my pants get wet. being stressed. when i lose things. people reading over my shoulder. when my hair gets my clothes wet. pepsi. feet. when movies have bad endings. being let down. mean people. when my hair looks bad. cotton balls. when there's no hot water. shower curtains. drains. being sandy. stubbing my toe. packing. unpacking. goodbyes.

currently watching: house.

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