Monday, August 11, 2008

life update.

i've been neglecting my blog too much, so i feel like i have a lot of stuff to talk will probably only end up being one or two things, but it feels like a lot.

for starters, my brother is moving to college tomorrow. this is very very weird for me. i have never lived in this house without him (even though several years ago i probably wished for that). it's not going to be the same at all. don't get me wrong - i'm so proud of evan for going to college and for 'getting out' so that he can learn some responsibility and self-discipline, but selfishly, i'm going to be a little sad.

here's some big news: i have a job! officially. i am so excited to be jumping on board Premier Firewood, Inc. as the Public Relations Director. i've been searching for a job all summer, and even though i knew that God had something for me, it was starting to get discouraging. i was very grateful during the month of july that i didn't have a major commitment because i would have gone crazy. i'm not really sure what happened to july. i feel like it disappeared. that's beside the point. the point is that i am now employed, working with great people (some of my best friends) and doing something that i love. i have a great adventure ahead of me :)

what else...? the olympics are taking over my life. i love the summer olympics...i love the winter olympics too, but the summer ones are on right now, so they are on my mind. swimming and gymnastics are my favorites, but i'll pretty much watch anything that's on. i am constantly amazed by the athletes that are here...i'm not going to lie - i have teared up several times. i just get kind of emotional...not that that's really a shock to anyone :)

bekah is coming home in one week!! ONE WEEK!! i am so excited :) next monday is going to be awesome -
1. get to see bek
2. get to see david cook :) going to the american idol concert with tracy is one of my favorite traditions :) so is our last-minute, all-day Christmas shopping trip to Barrett Parkway...last year, we went to the mall four times in the same day.

i guess that's all for now...i will legally have health insurance soon!! yesssss.

currently watching: the's gymnastics and swimming (i love michael phelps). it's a good night...even if i do lose some sleep :)


Leanna said...

what!?!?! you got a job! hahaha...i feel so behind. we should talk more. :)

love you.

oh, and CONGRATS! i think you couldn't have found a better job. :)

Caitlin Goss said...

soooo happy for you amanda sue!! and how much fun to work with the boys!! Keep them in line! :)