Thursday, May 29, 2008


i am so so so excited about the LOST season finale tonight. season finales are always bittersweet, because they are usually AWESOME, but then you have to wait forever for the next season to start. i don't know what i'm going to do now that all my shows are ending. not watching american idol on tuesday and wednesday was weird. so, i'm watching jeopardy right now, and one of the contestants was just talking about how she let her daughter name a day after she was born, she and her husband read their top five names to her and watched to see if she had any reaction to the names...the name that she "chose" was Petra. i'm wondering if maybe the "reaction" that her parents saw was more of disdain than approval...then again, the other choices weren't that great either.

i babysat today. i'm 22. i'm a college graduate, and i babysat. oh well :) i don't really mind...i will say, however, that i was reminded of my dislike of changing diapers.

one more thing - tracy and i are reading the bible chronologically, and i am really enjoying it :)

currently watching/listening to: jeopardy...i really love this show...and i cannot wait for LOST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, that jeopardy story was hilarious! i do love that show as well. today i watched it on GSN and got like 7ish right answers! that never happens!

k, love you tons! :) can't wait to see you sunday!