Wednesday, April 30, 2008


i went to my last class ever today. it's really hard for me to fully grasp that concept. i'm finding it hard to believe that in august, i won't be coming back to school. i won't be gearing up for papers and projects. i will not go to another class. it just hasn't fully sunk in yet. it's starting to, and i'm sure that on monday, when i turn in my very last college assignment ever, it will sink in even further. so, no more classes. now, all i have left is a news feature article about political activism through the internet and a screenplay about a commitment-shy 24-year-old girl that just really needs to find herself. i am so ready. and so unready at the same time.

currently listening to: the humming noise my computer makes...haley's already asleep, and i don't want to be rude.

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